Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This mess is for the birds.

I found the sweet little culprit. LOL hee/hee
Sooooo funny. New years we took our Christmas decorations down. Michael helped me take down the lights outside. As you walk out my front door, hanging to the right there is a bird feeder with seeds in it. I noticed the next day that there were seeds all over our front porch. I asked Michael to clean it up, assuming he was the one who knocked them all over. After all have you seen the way my son pulls the lights down helping me. Scary. Just grabs the end, while standing on the ground, and starts yanking. Ugghhh yikes! So anyway. He says it wasn't him. He blamed poor Nathan. So I go talk to Nathan. "It wasn't me mom" Poor Nathan gets blamed for so much. He swore he didn't do it. Ok. So I go clean the mess. Next morning the same thing. Ok fine so I move the silly thing. Maybe people are hitting it on the way out the door. Go figure. I hung it in a different spot. In front of my kitchen window. So doing dishes 3 days later. Guess what I found out. Had some apologizing to do. lol Happy day.


CATHY said...

That is so sweet to be able to look out a window and see those precious little birds. I love it!

Natalie said...

Poor kids! The good thing about that many kids is they can all say they didnt do something, and its a lot harder to crack one kid vs. 6! They get away with murder!

Dore' said...

lol Well at least you figured it out before the spankings began.

What ya feel like hearing today: Christian Country Classical?

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My sweet munchkin.

My sweet munchkin.
Like his long hair? My sister, niece, Michael, and I gave our hair to Locks of Love.

My sweet (not so little) chickadees.

My sweet (not so little) chickadees.
Erika, Tris, Nate, and Lukey