Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Woohoo! It's summer vacation!

Well hello summer. I'm so happy when my children are on summer vacation. You know why? Because that means I am too. The lady I've been doing child-care for (for the past 5yrs.) loves me soooo much that she wants me to have paid vacation with my children. Or....ahhhh...well, maybe it is because she is a teacher and has summer vacation as well. lol
So any ways. We have been going to the water park, library park, skate park, historical parks, and play-ground parks. Soo much fun so little time. I have been trying to find fun places to visit within a couple of hours from home that are free or inexpensive. Gas and 5 chickadees isn't cheap. Well worth it though. Thank you Lord. =]
What is your favorite past-time in the summer or on vacation?


CATHY said...

Well, I don't know what is wrong with your crazy computer but I can at least read this post.
My favorite vacation would be Hawaii because I am trying to go there this year and the cost is outrageous. I am sure that I will love it if I ever get to go.

Natalie said...

climbing trees in my swim suit.

What ya feel like hearing today: Christian Country Classical?

Blog Archive

My sweet munchkin.

My sweet munchkin.
Like his long hair? My sister, niece, Michael, and I gave our hair to Locks of Love.

My sweet (not so little) chickadees.

My sweet (not so little) chickadees.
Erika, Tris, Nate, and Lukey