Well, don't know what to do with myself. I have every other wknd to myself. I usually find myself cleaning. (my pad or my friends as a side job) Now. Well, now I blog. Thanks Cecelia. You started the snow ball effect.
Other then that, I'm tall, tan, and beautiful. lol Well, I'm tall compared to an ant. Tan if you count my age spots and sun damage. Beautiful, in God's eyes. lol I'm very happy. Love my God, my children, my friends, my insanity. heeheehee God bless and happy day. =]
If we help our children to be what they should be today, then when tomorrow becomes today, they will have the necessary courage to face it with greater love.
Mother Teresa
The word of God is living and active. Hebrews 4:12
If u hav it, read it. If u read it, believe it. If u believe it, live it!
Choose wisely.
The future is in your hands. Choose you this daywhom you will serve...Joshua 24:15